
Webinar on demand: COVID-19 residual value impact: where are we now

Phil Curry | 16 syys 2020

Tapahtuman yksityiskohdat

16 Sep 2020

On demand

What impact will COVID-19 have on vehicle residual values in Europe 2020-2022?

With many European countries now easing lockdown restrictions, how have used car markets reacted? More importantly, what impact will the pandemic have on used car markets and residual values during the coming years? How substantial are the risks in your portfolio? What are the opportunities that lie ahead?

Key takeaways:

  • The scenarios used by Autovista Group to quantify residual value risks for 2020-2022
  • European and specific country market conditions for 18 countries in Europe, including the UK
  • The impact COVID-19 has had on used car markets
  • How to fine-tune your business plans and the counter measures needed for the coming 12-18 months

Hear from our experts:

  • Phil Curry, Editor, Daily Brief
  • Christof Engelskirchen, Chief Economist, Autovista Group
  • Robert Madas, Valuation and Insights Manager, Eurotax Austria & Switzerland
  • Zsolt Horvath, Operations Manager, Eurotax Hungary
  • Yoann Tiatz, Operations and Valuations Director, Autovista France
  • Marco Pasquetti, Forecast and Data Specialist, Autovista Italy
  • Johan Trus, Head of Data and Valuations, Autovista Nordics

The video is available on demand below.

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