
Webinar on demand: COVID-19 residual value impact: the year ahead

Phil Curry | 16 marras 2020

Tapahtuman yksityiskohdat

16 Nov 2020

On demand

Many European used car markets have been very resilient during the pandemic with demand outstripping supply, particularly for older used vehicles. Will used car markets expect more pressure towards the end of 2020 and beyond? What effect will rising infection rates and new restrictions have on the market? How long will these market conditions continue for?

Watch the webinar, where we present our latest update on how residual values will develop in a post-pandemic world.

Chaired by Phil Curry, Editor, Autovista Group Daily Brief.

Hear from our experts:

  • Dr. Christof Engelskirchen, Chief Economist, Autovista Group
  • Ana Azofra, Valuation and Insights Manager, Autovista Spain
  • Andreas Geilenbrügge, Head of Valuations and Insights, Schwacke
  • Joao Areal, Editorial Manager, Eurotax Portugal
  • Marcin Kardas, Head of Editorial Team, Eurotax Poland Ulmis Horchidan, Chief Editor, Eurotax Romania

In just 45 minutes, you will get insight on:

  • The latest outlook for RV performance across Europe for 2020-2022
  • Pressures facing used car markets
  • How to provide input into your scenario planning and quantify the residual value risks for your portfolio
  • What our experts have to say on European and specific country market conditions

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